About Us

The December 2020 weather event ushered in a new era for Haines residents. Streets turned to waterfalls, homes flooded and slid off their foundations, and a bedrock rupture blasted apart the side of a mountain. Suddenly, our rules changed. Scientific experts were brought in and residents were suddenly learning about geology, hydrology, and tectonics. We saw an opportunity to coalesce incoming information. What if one organization interpreted local scientific information into actionable data? The Haines Science Center (HSC) was born.

Share Your Weather Data!

SHAMN Phase I will collect data from all of our "community scientists". Do you have a weather station at your home/office? Would you be willing to share your data and add it to the SHAMN network?


Our Science

Here is the list of the science categories that HSC specializes in.


We will leverage our local geological expertise with public and private technology partners to design, test, and bring into operation a new generation of technical

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It is impossible to overstate the importance of Southeast Alaska’s marine life. Loss of species density is devastating to our economy, our way of life,

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Ocean Quality
Ocean Quality

Situated at a transition ground between terrestrial and maritime climates, the waters of the upper Lynn Canal are an important chapter in the full story

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Recycling Research
Recycling Research

Haines Science Center and technology advisors will work with Haines Friends of Recycling in an effort to innovate and implement new technologies in recycling, remediation

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Workforce Development
Workforce Development

Living in remote Alaska is spectacular but can be a difficult place to start out. Young people are often required to decide between staying in

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Atmospheric Research
Atmospheric Research

As of yet, there is a limited amount of high-resolution data for atmospheric modeling of Southeast Alaska. HSC will partner with university scientists to add

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Our Projects

A list of HSC's current and future projects.



Our first project is called Student Hydrology and Atmospheric Monitoring Network (SHAMN). This project will...
Emergency Management Internships

Emergency Management Internships

The Haines Science Center is looking for ways to help the Haines Borough in our...
Picture from the edge of space


During the summer/fall of 2022, the Haines Science Center will add another workforce development project...
Coming Projects

Coming Projects

Haines Science is working with academic and cultural partners to develop and enhance programs for...

Sign Up for Our Newsletter

Please provide us with your name and email address so we can keep you informed of our projects, results and announcements.

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HSC is made up of ALL of us in the community. Below are pictures of some of us who have offered expertise when needed.

Steven Villano
Steven Villano

Director, Haines Science Center A resident of Southeast Alaska for almost a decade, Steven Villano is a founding partner of the HSC. Steven has developed

Steven Villano
Steve Wishstar - Science Director
Steve Wishstar
Science Director

Science Director As the Science Director, Mr. Wishstar does …..

Steve Wishstar
Amy Mae
Amy Mae
Head Writer

Amy Mae
Vanessa Wishstar
Vanessa Wishstar
Social Consciousness Energy Spirit

As our social conscious energy spirit, Vanessa enables our community outreach efforts through intuitive connection and cosmic airwaves. In basic terms, she helps.

Vanessa Wishstar

Contact Us

Please let us know if you would like specific information about a particular area of the borough and we'll do our best to get you answers.

Contact us

PO Box 1223, Haines AK 99827


Toll Free

Attention Citizen Scientists

The Haines Science Center relies heavily on the extension knowledge and experiences of our people who live here. If you are a scientist, someone who works with the land, or if you have even just lived here long enough to know a thing or two... please let us know that you would like to offer your expertise! We strive for a health conversation about everything that affects this valley and inlet.

Share your Knowledge