Workforce Development

Living in remote Alaska is spectacular but can be a difficult place to start out. Young people are often required to decide between staying in their hometown or going somewhere to acquire experience in a specialized field. The Haines Science Center is committed to workforce development. Here, students can gain exposure to scientific research, data collection, 3D computer modeling and animation, filmmaking, and near-space engineering.

Our Workforce Development program connects local residents to jobs at science and tech companies in Haines and beyond. We’re committed to developing a strategic workforce development model that fits the needs of companies, strengthens the STEM talent pipeline, and benefits the community around us.

Apprenticeships and training models are a proven combination for the creation of job opportunities without obtaining a 4-year degree.

Traditionally, apprenticeships and training models focus on trade skills and encompass manufacturing, automotive, hospitality, and information technology. The Science Center is developing more opportunities for Haines residents to attain family-sustaining careers in high-growth STEM industries.

Undergraduate Internships

  1. Coming soon

Graduate Internships

  1. Emergency Management and Recovery
  2. More coming soon!